Company Profile

Company Name
Date of Establishment
December 1, 1952
Common Stock
Yen 93,720,000-
Business contents
  • a) Production and Sales of HEPA/ULPA filter, Fine filter, Pre-filter (Coarse filter), Chemical filter, Special filter, EDM filter, Auto Filter Chamber, etc.
  • b) Design, Production and Sales of Cleanroom equipment (FFU, Air Shower, Clean Booth)
  • c) Design, Production, Sales and construction of Cleanroom ceiling system
  • d) Research&Development
W-EDM Filter(OMF) introduction video

Head office

755-1, Shimohirose, Sayama-shi, Saitama, 350-1322, Japan (Access)

Sayama Factory

755-1, Shimohirose, Sayama-shi, Saitama, 350-1322, Japan (Access)

Tokyo Sales Office

Hama-rikyu Mitsui Bldg., 6-4, Tsukiji 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan (Access)

Nagoya Sales Office

NUP Fushimi Bldg., 2-12, Sakae 2-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 460-0008, Japan (Access)

Osaka Sales Office

Osaka DIC Bldg., 5-19, Kyutaro-machi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0056, Japan (Access)

Kitakami Factory

14-12, Tairabayashi, Aisari-cho, Kitakami-shi, Iwate 024-0051, Japan(Access)

Accounting period
January to December
Number of Employees
Member of Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors, Directors
  • <Representative Director, President>
    Yoshiyuki Kurata
  • <Member of Board of Directors>
    Koutaro Naruto
  • <Member of Board of Directors>
    Syunsuke Yokouchi ※1
  • <Corporate Auditor>
    Toshifumi Kamizawa ※2
  • <Member of Board of Directors>
    Teruaki Ariga

※1 Outside Director
※2 Outside Corporate Auditor


Since its founding in 1952, Oshitari Laboratory has been consistently pursuing research and development, and as society and customers’ needs changed with the times, we have provided various innovative filtration products.

In August 2013, we got off to a new start as a group company of Japan Vilene Co., Ltd. By utilizing our cultivated clean technology and the non-woven fabric technology of Japan Vilene, we will create new and unprecedented value, enhance synergies between both companies and produce further corporate value.

In January 2016, we integrated Higashimurayama factory, Kumegawa factory and Head office into a newly established Sayama factory.

With making the most of Sayama factory and Kitakami factory, we, Oshitari Laboratory, continue to develop new technologies, products and new markets as a member of the global corporate group and strive to become a newly reborn attractive company.

We look forward to your further continued support and patronage in the future.

Yoshiyuki Kurata
Representative Director